Samithi Software


Kevin Martin


Web & App Developement


20 August, 2021


Introducing Samithi Software, a powerful and versatile solution designed to streamline the operations of community organizations and social groups. Whether you are managing a non-profit organization, a volunteer group, or a neighborhood association, our software is tailored to meet your specific needs, helping you effectively organize, communicate, and collaborate with your members.
Key Features:
Membership Management: Easily manage your organization’s members with a centralized database. Store member information, track their engagement, and maintain accurate contact details for efficient communication.
Event Planning and Management: Seamlessly plan and manage events, including meetings, fundraisers, and community gatherings. Create event schedules, send invitations, track RSVPs, and streamline event logistics.
Communication and Messaging: Facilitate effective communication among members with built-in messaging tools. Send group announcements, newsletters, and important updates to keep everyone informed and engaged.
Volunteer Management: Track and coordinate volunteer activities within your organization. Assign tasks, track volunteer hours, and recognize their contributions to foster a strong sense of community involvement.
Document and Resource Sharing: Share important documents, resources, and files with your members securely. Provide easy access to bylaws, meeting minutes, guides, and other relevant materials.
Online Collaboration: Foster collaboration among members by providing a platform for discussions, idea sharing, and project collaboration. Encourage teamwork and maximize collective knowledge and expertise.
Fundraising and Donor Management: Manage fundraising campaigns, track donations, and maintain donor information. Streamline your fundraising efforts and build stronger relationships with your supporters.
Customizable Forms and Surveys: Create custom forms and surveys to gather feedback, conduct member surveys, or collect data. Gain valuable insights and make informed decisions based on member input.
Reporting and Analytics: Generate reports and analytics on membership, events, donations, and other key metrics. Gain actionable insights to measure your organization’s performance and identify areas for improvement.
Website Integration: Seamlessly integrate Samithi Software with your existing website or create a dedicated portal for your organization. Provide members with a personalized experience and easy access to relevant information and features.
Security and Privacy: Ensure the security and privacy of member data with robust security measures. Implement access controls to safeguard sensitive information and comply with data protection regulations.
Scalability and Flexibility: Samithi Software is scalable and adaptable to meet the changing needs of your organization. Customize the software to match your organization’s workflows, terminology, and branding.
Training and Support: Receive comprehensive training and ongoing support from our dedicated team. We are committed to helping you maximize the benefits of Samithi Software and ensure a smooth implementation.

Samithi Software empowers community organizations and social groups to effectively manage their operations, engage members, and foster a strong sense of community. Simplify administrative tasks, improve communication, and enhance collaboration within your organization. Embrace the power of technology to strengthen your community and achieve your organization’s goals.

At Z8 Tech, we pride ourselves on being a premier custom software service firm based in Bangladesh.


House no- 1332, O.R.Nizam Road GEC, Chattogram, Bangladesh